The Shin Splint Sandal is an effective and convenient way to strengthen the muscles of the lower leg and improve ankle mobility. Say goodbye to feeling silly with flimsy elastic bands for foot, ankle, and shin exercises. The Shin Splint Sandal, made by Flip Rehab & Fitness LLC, is a great way to address and work towards fixing shin splints, ankle sprains, reducing the risk of lower extremity injury, and even improving balance.
In January 2020, the idea for the Shin Splint Sandal was originally inspired by exercises included in ATG's (Athletic Truth Group) exercise programs and after months of development, the Shin Splint Sandal is now available worldwide. Ben Patrick, famously known as @kneesovertoesguy on Instagram, has recently popularized exercises strengthening the muscles in the front of the shins and has shown how effective it is for people on both ends of the fitness spectrum.
The Shin Splint Sandal is a great, and cheaper, alternative to other Tibialis Anterior strengthening devices for people who don't have access to Olympic plates or need to focus on one leg due to previous injury, strength differences, or flexibility/mobility differences. The Shin Splint Sandal was designed to use the same ankle weights or dumbbells many people already have at home!
Weights not included with purchase
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